5 reasons your CV may not be making it to the desk of a potential employer

cover letter cv general academic writing phd phd chronicles phd overwhelm professional writing Sep 22, 2020

Are you a Job seeker or are you seeking to change roles? Here are some reasons why your CV might not be getting to the desk of a potential employer. 





1. You do not understand the techniques for CV writing 

This could be because you have not learnt the right format to use for CV writing


2.  You do not understand the work history to include

This could be because you think that a 4 page RESUME will show how competent you are.


3. You do not understand how to use words

Having a vast vocabulary is not the same thing as using keywords that are optimized.


4. You do not understand that CV writing requires marketing knowledge.

This could be because you think submitting many CV's should land you a job.


5. You do not understand that you are an asset

This could be because you fail to understand that you have skills that employees are in dire need.


I hope you loved reading this and I'd like to hear from you if you found this helpful and what changes you will be making from now on. 

With all my best wishes

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